*To expand the reach of R.E.S.T.™, we set up a non-profit entity under HILL OF HOPE,
a 501c3 public non-profit, where all donations will be tax-deductible.
The Villa is a sanctuary for healing and restoration, offering a place to reconcile Relational, Emotional, and Spiritual Truth through our R.E.S.T.™ program. In a time of widespread confusion and unrest, we provide a refuge where individuals, families, and leaders can find clarity, purpose, and practical wisdom. Your generous support allows us to extend this life-changing experience to first responders, families in need, and decision-makers—help us bring healing by donating today at HillofHope.me.
*If you have a sizable contribution and would like to apply it to our ongoing property maintenance and improvement project, please contact us at 949-289-5935.
Contributions can be made using your Credit Card or PayPal account on HillofHope.me or mailing a check made out to Hill of Hope with REST in the memo line and mailed to Mira Ibrahim with Lavoignet CPA at 1 Polaris Way, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. For additional information, please visit our website.